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panel of st  marina 001.jpg
Ch.-L Brossé, “Les Peintures de la Grotte de Marina Près Tripoli” Syria 7(1926) 30-45.

Marina Grotto 002 (2).jpg
Ch.-L Brossé, “Les Peintures de la Grotte de Marina Près Tripoli” Syria 7(1926) 30-45. (Charles)

Grotto of St. Marina.jpg
Photograph of the inside of St. Marina's Grotto

Grotto  St Marina.jpg
Wall painting in the Grotto of St. Marina

tempera painting with metal leaf on wood; Medieval; Byzantine; Lebanon; Tripoli

Wall Painting found inside the chapel of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Roanoke, VA.

Hand reliquary of Saint Marina in Museo Correr, Venice, but firmly tied to Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey.

St Marina on column in Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Israel

St. Marina with St. Katherine from St. Katherine’s Monastery, Sinai, Egypt

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